Corporate Social Responsability Proyect

Corporate Social Responsability Proyect

Fun for all


Today, the children are no longer having fun as they did before, during break time children play abruptly, so most children are not encouraged to play by the fear that get hurt and spend their free time off boring just walking, eating and talking until the bell rings and they return to their classrooms.

This result in children motivation for the study, boredom, poor academic performance, and their activities are stressed in classes wishing to leave as soon as possible. That is why the company wants to develop Wafers Dofux the project fun for everyone in the nursery Refugio del Niño where those, whoever evidencing this problem.


Ø  Guiding children  to a game where they fun and have a good time.
Ø  Teaching the importance of fair play and responsibility.
Ø  To encourage children to have more fun and use their free time.


"Fun for all" is part of the children's need of nursery Refugio del Niño, to find leisure areas to ensure better performance of children and overcome their fears of being hurt by other children because today the aggressiveness has taken hold of them and no longer they are having fun as before. Therefore, we organize a series of fun games for kids to enjoy this time and won’t lose they joy.


In this framework, we will learn about the garden where the project is corporate social responsibility of our company, both in structure, the aid it receives and gives this nursery "Refugio Del Niño" to their community.

"The nursery Refugio Del Niño was founded in 1988 by Mrs. Gladys Lopez which currently has 14 children (7 boys and 7 girls), with a full quota from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. There is a mother who works auxiliary (Gladys Luz Mila) where the train directly to them Family Welfare (ICFB) psychological process and all other processes necessary. They do not have a cash salary, but has a bonus for lending his community service. They also help with utilities for light and water services. The Family Welfare assistance with food, furniture endowments and educational games but not enough, but also have a little help from the Mayor of Bogotá. Fortunately the nursery has the coloration of the community (Community Action Council). "Not all the people can have a community nursery can only those who have charisma and love to give to children," said the mother community. "(Hamilton Smith Roldan Moya, September 6th, 2012)


In this historical context born know as recreation and as led to our present. Recreation is an important area to perform, even so many years has been marking our evolution in the discipline of sport, art, etc... However you need to know:
“It is necessary to specify in the beginning of the conference how human time structure and what is the true meaning of what can be called recreation for subsequent understanding of the examples.
This explanation is made simple, human time in its fundamental division.
A premise of this class and that undoubtedly develops an understanding on the issue, is to facilitate the location of the historical periods in a particular way through the time slider or as others call it the story line.
It is important that the teacher has a deep knowledge of the historical stages, even should give examples of famous figures born BC to historic line is interpreted correctly. For example Cleopatra was born in 69 a.n.e. and died in the year 30 BC, or Hippocrates (460-377 BC), Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) or other, achieving an understanding of how to read the timeline, noting that it has been more years before our It was after the same, considering by many scholars of the history of mankind, that all lived in what is called "Our age" is just a point on a tape that goes around the world.
This will work the value of using knowledge that has the "time bar" and that the student finally taxed, and that the teacher should not talk about the character using only his name, but who he was talking about the character, what he did and facts of real significance that may be little known, for example Cleopatra was not really Egyptian, but Greek was not brunette as has always been said, but blonde and was a woman of great preparation, knew languages, medicine, music etc on. On the death of the king of Egypt Ptolemy Auletes, the crown was left to his two sons: Ptolemy and Cleopatra to be wed. She wanted to take power alone, so began a series of maneuvers to end the life of his brother. The court, which was hostile, Cleopatra accused of trying to kill the king forced to flee to the young queen. His next move would take charge of an army to trigger a civil war and so remained virtually hidden until Julius Caesar is known and admired for her beauty, wisdom and intelligence
Another important aspect to note is that by Professor Social Economic Formations (FES) does not end when just a period in the history of mankind such as "Ancient" brought not only result in the "primitive community" but nowadays you can see indigenous communities in countries dissimilar from what is called the Third World living primitive state in total and we are in modern times.
Moreover also in antiquity lives Spartacus (Thrace, 113 BC - Lucania, 71 BC) and as we all know he represented the largest slave rebellion of that historical period
Primitive Community
This would logically FES which starts at this conference, which occurs mainly in ancient times but we repeat, even today you can see, as already explained.
(This part is very important to use illustrative plates, which appear to be looking aspects outlined above)
At the International School of Physical Education and Sport is possible to expose students to examples of indigenous communities and incuse they know they live and how they normally recreational and social division of labor), noting as fundamental aspects of this period:
• Community assets equal
• Leisure (TL) low
• Recreational activities related to production.
• Stage called "primitive communism"
Let's see why these statements:
Particularly in the early days of humanity primitive man had a low level of development of the means of production, his life was almost that of an animal and its instinct to preserve the life, with other activities such as sex and performing utilitarian activities, due to the low development of productive forces and means of work or production which had at that stage, prevented the beginnings of civilization, there were no class differences, therefore, free time was sparse and recreation negligible.
When we almost completely null and not the primitive community because the man was active as dances, songs, the famous cave paintings and undoubtedly although all are cultural manifestations of this stage cannot be considered recreational by intentionality of clear economic same in the beginning man was just looking at these activities improve productive life, hunting, fishing, the health of their peers.
That's why, for what some scholars call "primitive communism", by equal members of the community, and no difference in benefits or duties.
When production starts over and therefore the development of some instruments in the still primitive community, such as the creation of the bow and arrow, fire, agriculture and domestication of animals, start class differences and therefore , a small difference between the time a reproductive or other members of the community, but still cannot determine that there are recreational activities considered, is already developed in the early stage such as Aborigines living in America and our more established and more developed, resulting in the emergence of some demonstrations and games for the first time with a palpable sense recreational.
Second try FES also be used blades and even videos with images of this era, to illustrate one of the facets of recreation at this stage
(In this part when using the video should make the effort shown in covering the above aspects, videos may appear "Roman Circus" illustrating the maxim of "bread and circuses" for the people, remember that all the FES students can provide concrete examples of countries that currently meet the stage that it is at this stage no specific results will be obtained in many EIEFD), the teacher should emphasize:
• System developer inhuman but the general culture of the ruling class.
• Development of recreational activad slaveholders.
• The slave is treated like an animal, its totally free time directed by the Lord.
• The people are exploited and undervalued by the slavers.
 (At this stage it is important to the example of the use of leisure time in some scenes of movies, dramas and films, where you see the difference between women and men of the ruling class, the total exploitation of the church "On behalf of the Rose "," The Crusades ", the lives of slaves and was not enough to produce the" tithe ", the belief in blue blood feudal lords, explain the relationship of the Renaissance and free time), taking fundamental characteristics:
• The greatest force in the church.
• Involution in the development of the feudal lords.
• Cultural development cleric general
• The time for recreation servant is very particular and directed.
• This stage ends with the "Renaissance" (explain or Renaissance)
It is important to point out the root causes of a FES step to another, for example the rise of manufacturing and other advances make the man begins to be sold as a labor force and not only the products of their work on earth.
(When exposed these aspects is necessary to clarify that the "Entertainment Industry" and as in all FES continues to respond to an ideology that is the ruling class and although man attains the 8-hour day will be needed to survive multiple jobs and respond to the system of life that society imposes, this part is exemplified not until we reach the recreation functions)
At this stage it is indisputable development of productive forces so the teacher should emphasize:
• Rise of salaried workers, struggling for TL.
• The bourgeoisie seeks profit just in all his actions.
• Surge the "Entertainment Industry"
These FES characteristics EIEFD students, the teacher must prepare well and explained based on the following aspects:
• Start the dictatorship of the proletariat.
• The recreation responds to the ruling class.
• The recreation takes a new direction as "School forming consciences"
(Taken from


In this framework we will know the concept of recreation, its functions and features. Daily children, young people and adults need to recreate exercised both physically and mentally. However you need to know:

The concept of recreation is understood if we think from the beginning, men and women have been subjected to various types of pressures that eventually create fatigue and therefore discouraged. That is because people have sought ways to escape the pressures of everyday life and be spaces in which to relax and enjoy. The Spanish Royal Academy defines recreation as action and effect as fun to recreate and toil. Furthermore, we find that recreate means fun, cheer and delight. In popular terms we call this fun also entertainment.
By that definition, necessarily must include recreation fun or enjoy themselves, in order to distract from the demands, especially labor and thus get relief necessary to lead again, another stage of responsibilities, with renewed energy that will allow a better result them. The term comes from Latin recreatio recreation, meaning restore and refresh (the person). Hence the recreation is considered an essential part of maintaining good health. The recreation allows the body and mind a "restoration" or renovation necessary to have a longer life and better quality. If we make our activities without stopping place for recreation, both body and mind come to a collapse would lead to a number of diseases and ultimately death. Because of that, the recreation is considered socially an important contributing factor. Recreation benefits beyond good physical and mental health, but a balance of these factors with spiritual, emotional and social. A fully healthy person does business with greater efficiency than a sick person.”
(Taken from

The other objective of the class, you start in this part, first by relating the phrase, which places what are the functions of recreation and later will relate to the different FES
This part should begin with the phrase Marxist
"Free time representing itself as a leisure time for the development of higher activity"
In this sentence the two functions are contained recreation:
1. Playing at leisure
2. Self-highest activity

(There is evidence that many teachers draw the two ideas of the sentence and the functions related to TL, so it tends to confuse therefore be exposed and hence functions relate to the words of Karl Marx)
This is part of the class where the teacher must set out the criteria and even draw on such examples of the current mass media in capitalist ideology, which should keep an open mind to the criteria of the students, so we recommend the use appropriate videos, films, concrete examples or counterexamples that promote reasoning and highlighting:
• American superiority in his films.
• Individualism in its protagonists.
• Disasters and messages in American cinema.
• The view of women.
• The ideal life in their "commercials"
• The ideology of video games.
• The Internet and their corporations.
• The ambiguity of reality in telenovels.
• The development of consumerism.

The teacher should base its analysis primarily on the book "Silent Propaganda" by Ignacio Ramonet, given at the conference and emphasizing that although American industry of mass media in the film only made specific 5% of the world, gets more than 50% of global income, and not just rely on the repression of the past (burning books, did anticommunist campaigns or antizquierdistas) now as a siren minds dulled by endless thirst pleasure to have this man and the teacher to teach this subject should autoprepararse, online articles also appear on the video game, titled "When I watch TV," and the books "Mourn is a pleasure", "How to Read Duck Donals ", all of Reynaldo González, where with very clear ideas and phrases are some of the important aspects for the teacher.
Independent work on this topic.
Self-employment requires a guide based on a share (BOA), the student should be affordable both individually and in teams, you can:
• Distribute materials or magazines (as analyzed by the teacher) to analyze an article, an advertising spots.
• A film (using the facilities of the network cable and closed circuit EIEFD)
• Analysis of a capitalist and Cuban telenovela, in relation to the topic of education.
It is important in this class (again) that the teacher is not considered it, and higher absolute criteria, must begin no society is perfect and the only way you can make a positive change in the mindset of the student, their worldview and is capable of develop self-employment under the approach of trial., students become proactive and not reactive individuals as Esteban Rojas explains in his compilation "culture of trust" (2004)
Also during the conference, at the end of this part of the teacher will not fail to relate academic, Labor and Investigative, using examples of the proper use of leisure time and research on it: "Free time is like a container, as you take it, so will be good or bad "and that is where it appears the environmental dimension, the content of the recreation that is the climate breathed and serving for life.”
(Taken from

Recreation can be active or passive. The action involves active recreation, is said specifically of the person providing a service while enjoying them. On the other hand, passive recreation occurs when the individual receives recreation uncooperative in it, because they enjoy recreation without resistance to it. For example, going to the movies. On the other hand, the camps stimulate physical and intellectual abilities of the young.
a) Games: These games can be developed in each individual and team sports. These games have the traditional, pre sporty, intellectual and social.
b) Social and Cultural Expression: They are responsible for developing creative objectives, representations and organizing teams through sports and recreational clubs. These are intended to organize, plan and direct the implementation of a sport or recreational activity determined according to its goals and objectives. Example of these clubs is: hiking and mountaineering.
c) Outdoor Living: Are those activities taking place in a natural environment, allowing the integration of the individual with nature, preserving natural resources and making good use of free time. Its features are: Knowledge of parks, recreational parks and natural monuments, backpack and tent arrangement, conservation and reforestation, knowledge of the characteristics and equipment for hiking and camping.”
(Taken from


This framework is based do know the rights, laws and articles having children regarding free recreation, fun and a healthy physical and mental exercise, demonstrating that our CSR project is legally authorized and performed accordance with the following articles of the Constitution and laws of Colombia:

"Right of Children to Recreation: The Political Constitution of Colombia, Title II," the rights, guarantees and duties ", Chapter II," Of the social, economic and cultural" clearly establishes that the rights of children, are prevalent on other rights, placing them well, in our opinion, as those who deserve all the effort and attention not only the state but also on the part of individuals, to ensure effective implementation and respect.
Such is the importance it gives the National Constituent Assembly to the fundamental rights of children, which states those who in his view, and within the provisions of international law, should be a priority and inalienable. These are: life, physical integrity, health and social security, a balanced diet, your name and nationality, have a family and not be separated from it, the care and love, education and culture, recreation and the free expression of opinion. Besides this special protection orders, not only of the rights enshrined in the Constitution, but also in the blanket exhaustively preset in Laws and international treaties ratified by the State, as the slogan Article 44 .
Article 44: The fundamental rights of children: the life, physical integrity, health and social security, a balanced diet, your name and nationality, have a family and not are separated from it, the care and love, education and culture, recreation and free expression of opinion. They shall be protected against all forms of neglect, physical or moral violence, abduction, sale, sexual abuse, labor or economic exploitation and hazardous work. They will also enjoy the other rights enshrined in the Constitution, laws and international treaties ratified by Colombia. "
Taken from the Constitution of Colombia

"ACT 181 OF 1995:" By enacting provisions for the promotion of sport, recreation, use of leisure time and physical education and establishing a national sport. "
(Note: Modified as appropriate by Act 344 of 1996 section 44)
TITLE I: Introductory provisions
CHAPTER I: ART. 1-The general objectives of this law are the sponsorship, promotion, overcrowding, dissemination, planning, coordination, implementation and advice to sport, recreation and use of leisure time and promotion of school education of children and youth at all levels and social strata of the country, developing the right of all people to exercise free access to adequate physical and spiritual training. Furthermore, the implementation and promotion of physical education to contribute to the formation of the whole person in all ages and provide the effective discharge of its obligations as a member of society.
TITLE II: recreation, use of leisure time and informal education
ART. 6: Is obligatory role of all public and private institutions of social, sponsor, promote, implement, manage and control recreational activities, for which developed programs promoting and encouraging this activity, in accordance with the national plan for recreation. The greatest responsibility in the field of recreation incumbent upon the state and the family compensation. Similarly, with the support of Col boost and develop sports recreation, recreation popular organizations and corporation’s popular recreation. "
Taken from (

Article 52 recognizes the right of all people to practice sport and leisure use. The state inspected promotes these activities and sports organizations, the structure and property should be democratic.
2. LAW 30 OF 1992 THE CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC: "By which organizes public service of higher education"
The Act establishes the Welfare Degree in higher education institutions, Article 117 states: Higher education institutions must advance wellness programs understood as the set of activities that are geared to the physical, Sico - affective, spiritual and social development of students, faculty and staff.
In Article 119, states that higher education institutions ensure fields and sports venues, in order to facilitate the development of these activities.
3. LAW 115 OF 1994 THE CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC: "On Issuing the General Law of Education".
As for the Purposes of education among other recitals in item 12 the purpose of education is, training for the promotion and preservation of health and hygiene, comprehensive prevention of socially relevant problems, physical education, recreation, sport and the proper use of leisure time. "
The above items were taken from:


There will be the social responsibility project starting with a talk with the children's nursery, announcing recreational activities to be performed. The activities will be group singing and games for all to participate and are encouraged to complete the proposed activities. All this will take place in our example respectful and tolerant towards children.

We begin with a good greeting to all children in the nursery, where each say their name. Des then sing some familiar songs like "Row", "rice pudding" and "Up Captain". Then we will play at other children also known as "apron", "wheel to wheel", "jelly", "Simon Says" and "frozen Dancers". Finally, they give children a delicious wafer participation rewarding for our project.


July 31st, 2012
First visit to the Garden: They will release our company and our goals to make the project, which was authorized by the mother’s nursery.

 August 20th, 2012
Implementation of the activities: There will be singing activities, group games and rewarding with a wafer to each of them for their participation.

August 22nd, 2012

History of the place: They find out from its founding to today's advance has been the nursery and also its relationship with the community has this.

November 13rd, 2012

Close the project: It will give a talk on the importance of reflection recreation with children.


The corporative social responsibility project “Fun for all” began with the partner’s presentation in the nursery “El Refugio del Niño”, the project had as an objective to make children know the fun’s importance and the right they have to that. We developed games, songs for dancing the children and fun activities… It was so excited because there were shy children; some children were taller than others; we danced “El delantal” that’s a game where the person who lost gonna step on the shoe for other person. We played and sang “A la rueda rueda”, “arroz con leche” and we took photos whereas we did do the activities, then all children shout “Obleas Dofux” and they were so happy, finally we offered to each child a wafer because they were disciplined and that was our way to thank them for their collaboration.


With the corporate social responsibility project we can conclude that our activities with the children's garden "El Refugio del Niño" could play a lot and learned to socialize with each other in harmony, constructive and respectful, which strengthened in them a taste for play and good fun.
Children are the most important because they are the present and future of society. Therefore if we fill to children with funny, beautiful and healthy memories, they'll come to be good people, respectful and tolerant values of the difference.
It is very important that when children play or do other activity, do it in a fair and respectful way, as well as be able to build good people, sincere partners and also with the activities that have been promoted in fair play to them sorely lacking in the sport, video games tournaments, among others.

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